Its been a long time… again!

I’m glad that I started on this platform a while ago – 2012, to be exact. I am also glad, more than glad to provide an update on. Admittedly things are different in our world now, but I think its best to continue on the projects that I am blessed to be working on, I just gotta do them.

Some pro

The show Frontline Image is a success. It is on Shaw TV, the latest is a re-release of the Deuce Days 2019 EPisode#40 (EP#40)

I will get some sponsors for it but I have to come up with the reason they would want to be part of my show. This is the work! My work…

I painted this on a Thursday “Friendss beautiful blue car”. This is somethign that I can provide as reward- I just heard that. Lets be friends. Tears of joy.

I have projects at the moment, though most will be road worthy when they are road worthy, its ok not to be done all at once once in a while.

This 1956 Ford F100 now has the front-flip hood. One benefit is it opens up the engine bay to allow mechanical work. Owners of this type of truck now what I mean. It means I won’t bang my head on the low hood. I try to keep the water from rusting it any further.
Vancouver Island, its busy.Here we see crosses of traditional church and progress masked as construction crane juxtapose in beautiful scattered Spring clouds
Some peace I think is required in my life. I have a green heart lawn in the middle of gravel. I tend to it and meditate while tending it.I imagine that this is a crop circle when seen from an eagle’s eyes.
Lumber is getting pricey to small-project creators and industry alike. What can be done? I try to do my part by not wasting what I am able to obtain.
Mac is a service cat. He helps bring calmness and more. His ability to create joy is shared by those who know him:

Thanks for taking the time to be here.

This entry was published on May 7, 2021 at 6:29 am and is filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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